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CanSkate is Skate Canada’s flagship learn to skate program.  When you sign up for CanSkate you will be in a program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development.  You will earn ribbons, badges and other incentives as you learn fundamental skating skills. 

The CanSkate program curriculum is divided into six stages of learning and focuses on three fundamental areas at each stage:

Balance – concentrating on forward skills, pushing technique and edges

Control – concentrating on backward skills, stopping and speed elements

Agility – concentrating on turning and jumping skills

Lessons are given in a group format and led by NCCP Certified Professional Coaches. 

Coaches are assisted by trained Program Assistants. 

CanSkate provides skaters with the best foundation for any ice sport, including figure skating, hockey, speed skating, ringette or for enjoying recreational skating as a life-long activity. 

BFSC Requirements/Policies


Age Requirements – Participants must be 3-15 years old on September 1st for our Fall Session (Oct-Dec) and by January 1st for our Winter Session (Jan-Mar)

Equipment – CSA approved hockey helmets are required until the completion of Level 5, helmet cages are strongly recommended for all beginner skaters.  Skaters must wear proper skates and gloves/mittens.  Equipment is not available to rent, so participants must make arrangements to have equipment by the first session.  Participants without appropriate equipment will not be permitted on the ice. 

Supervisor Requirement – there must be an adult responsible for the participant present at the arena for the duration of the class.

No Make-Up for Missed Classes – Skaters sign up for a specific session and cannot be accommodated on another session if they have to miss a day for any reason.

Cancelled Classes – there will not be make-up sessions or refunds given for cancellations due to severe weather or other circumstances. 


Skate Canada Membership Fees - Signing up for a program at BFSC, you are required to also become a member of Skate Canada.  This annual $62.00 fee is valid from September 1 to August 31 (you will only pay it once during the season).  It includes insurance coverage, along with access to all Skate Canada programs.  Please note that your skater information will be shared with Skate Canada through this website. 

This fee does not stay with the club, but is sent to Skate Canada and is not refundable.  For more information about Skate Canada, visit

How to Prepare for your Skating Lessons

  • Get your skates sharpened

  • Make sure your helmet fits

  • Pack your mittens or gloves

  • Pack a towel to wipe your blades with after your lesson

  • Practice putting on and tying your skates at home

  • Please use hard skate guards when walking around the arena to avoid dulling your skates

How to Dress

  • The arena weather is chilly, please dress in a warm sweater or jacket, long pants (snow pants are not recommended as they are slippery when getting up), and gloves/mittens

  • All skaters MUST WEAR a CSA approved hockey helmet

  • All skaters MUST WEAR gloves/mittens on the ice

At the Arena

  • Arrive early and find your name tag – all skaters are given a name tag with a coloured sticker on it that indicates the group they will skate in.  The groups are not directly related to the skaters level rather are to group skaters of close age and like abilities together. 

  • Proceed to the dressing room/lobby benches to put on your skates.  Dressing room #5 is available for CanSkaters

  • Clip your name tag onto your zipper or pocket

  • Skaters then wait at the rink door until they are welcomed on the ice by a Coach or Program Assistant (PA)

  • Parents/Guardians must stay in the arena

  • At the end of the lesson, collect your skater and return to the dressing room

  • Don’t forget to return your name tag!

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