Our Star Program
At BFSC we are committed to delivering to our skaters a balanced program that will provide them with a well-rounded skating experience. Our weekly lesson plan includes group lessons in jumps, spins, footwork, dance, skills and solo preparation, private lessons with their base coach, and development sessions that work on skills including but not limited to – power stroking, creative movement, edges, turns, and field moves.
Star 1 is the first level of the STARSkate program, a learn-to-figure skate program unique to Canada. It is the progression into the sport of figure skating after completing the CanSkate program. STARSkate offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of freeskate, skating skills and ice dance. Participants are taught in group, semi-private and/or private lesson format by NCCP Certified Professional Coaches trained specifically in teaching the mechanics and proper technique of figure skating in a progressive and sequential manner. Skaters have the opportunity to take Skate Canada tests through the national standardized testing system. They will also have the opportunity to start to attend Skate Canada sanctioned competitions where they will compete to a standard earning ribbons and certificates.
Star 2-5 is the second level of the STARskate program. It is the progression after completing STAR 1 tests. Participants are taught in group, semi-private and/or private lesson format by NCCP Certified Professional Coaches. As in the STAR 1 level, skaters have the opportunity to continue testing through the national standardized testing system offered by Skate Canada and also the opportunity to attend sanctioned competitions where they will continue to compete to a standard earning ribbons and certificates in STAR 2-3 and start to get ranked & earn individual medal placements in STAR 4-5.
Star 6-Gold is the third level of the STARskate program. It is the progression after skaters complete Star 5 in any discipline. Participants are taught in group, semi-private and/or private lesson format by NCCP Certified Professional Coaches. Skaters will have the opportunity to test through the national standardized testing system offered by Skate Canada and also the opportunity to attend sanctioned competitions where they will continue to and get ranked to earn individual medal placements.
This program is newly released by Skate Canada and information is being provided to the coaches as it becomes available. The coaches have completed all the necessary training provided by Skate Canada and BFSC will also be host to a Star 6-Gold travelling road show this season.
BFSC STARSkate Requirements/Policies
Equipment/Proper Clothing Attire – all skaters are required to wear mitts/gloves while on the ice. Clothing worn on the ice must be appropriate for physical activity. Clothing that is too baggy or too tight restrict movement and are not deemed appropriate. Jeans are prohibited the ice. Long hair must be tied back in a ponytail and if necessary wrapped in a bun.
Clothing Attire for Tests – the appropriate clothing attire for testing is preferably a dress or black pants and a club jacket or sweater. The goal is for the skater to look professional for their test. No loose fitting clothing is allowed as it impedes the coach/test evaluator from seeing body movement and can impact the test results.
Lesson Time - It is the skater’s responsibility to be on the ice for their lesson time. Coaches will not leave the ice to find a skater as it takes time away from the skaters who are still on the ice. The weekly lesson plan is posted. The coaches will be following this schedule and it is important that the skaters attend all their lessons.
If a skater is not on the ice for their group lesson time the coach will continue to give the lesson with the skaters who are present.
Every skater is given a 10 minute private lesson once a week (paid directly to the coach). There will be no make-up lessons for skaters who miss their lesson time due to the fact they are not on the ice. ***If your skater will be away for a complete session please contact your base coach in advance by text or email to let them know and they can arrange their schedule so your skater can receive their private lesson on another session that week.
Job Share – In order to keep our fees reasonable while not losing ice time in the face of increasing overall costs, we ask that families participating in our programs contribute to our overall fundraising efforts, including volunteer during organization & execution of our carnival show.
Parent volunteers help make our carnival and skating club successful. You will be contacted at a later date regarding the volunteer requirements & jobs for this.
Ice Time Changes/Cancellations – communications regarding ice time changes and cancellations will be sent out on our Facebook page. Please visit and download our BFSC google calendar as it lays out our ice schedule and is updated with any ice time changes. There will not be make up sessions for any lessons missed due to an ice time change or cancellation.
Skate Canada Membership Fees - Signing up for a program at BFSC, you are required to also become a member of Skate Canada. This annual $62 fee is valid from September 1 to August 31 (you will only pay it once during the season). It includes insurance coverage, along with access to all Skate Canada programs. Please note that your skater information will be shared with Skate Canada through this website.
This fee does not stay with the club, but is sent to Skate Canada and is not refundable. For more information about Skate Canada, visit
Assessment and Testing
Star 1-5 Assessment - The skater’s parent will be notified of an upcoming opportunity to test. Tests under the STAR Program are evaluated by a skater’s coach. Test days are scheduled during regular skating sessions and are evaluated based on Skate Canada standards.
Coaches will give the skater/parent a notification of test to be tried. The parent will go onto the BFSC website and under Test Day register/pay for the skater and test listed on the notification. The parent will then write the confirmation number on the notification and return it to the coach prior to the testing day.
High Test Assessment – Coaches submit to the Test Chair the names of skaters and tests to be tried at high test. Test days are scheduled based on the guidelines published by Skate Canada. Tests are evaluated by Skate Canada certified evaluators. As each evaluator works at their own pace please ensure you are at the arena, warmed up and skates on 30 minutes before your scheduled test.
Coaches will communicate with parents at the beginning of the season the test days that are scheduled in our region. Coaches will also communicate with parents as test days near if their skaters are ready to test.